The Driven Missions trip to Greater Los Angeles 2006

Our Mission
Turn both your pockets and your hearts inside out and give generously to the poor Jesus
1. Do all blog devotionals
2. Attend Driven/Sunday School/invert/small group when not at work
Weekly Prayers: 15 min for L.A. & 15 min for team
4. Silence: 1 hour weekly (20 min times)
5. Helping Hands
6. Committed to each other.
Training Schedule
April 22 - 6p
April 23 - church services
April 23 - 12:30-2pm
May 7 - 12:30-2pm
May 21 - 12:30-2pm
June 3 - 9am-4pm all day advance
June 3 - 3pm Parents Meeting
June 4 - 12:30-2pm
June 11 - 12:30-2pm
Fun Stuff
Terror Alert Level
eXTReMe Tracker
May 3 - Heidi: Ps. 140:12-13
Tuesday, May 02, 2006
click on the title slide to read the scripture.

The world doesn't care about the poor. In fact, most people try to ignore them all together. This doesn't just happen right now, its been going on forever. Psalm 140: 12 says that Jesus was different. He "secures justice for the poor and upholds the cause of the needy." Jesus paid more attention to the beggars and diseased than He did to the wealthy and the Pharisees. He shook society because He dared to help those in need. So, since we as Christians are trying to be like Jesus in everything we do, shouldn't we be doing the same? Instead of watching the celebrity news to see who broke up this week, we should be watching for poverty and people who need our prayers. To me this is one of the most important things that we'll need to remember in LA; paying attention to the people we're there to serve rather than searching for movie stars.
posted by James @ 11:34 AM  
  • At 4:58 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Very straight forward verse. God does care about the poor. He is on the side of the victims. For example he cares enough about the ones in LA to send us, or like the 30 Hour Famine, He cares enough to put it on our hearts to send money to it.

  • At 6:24 PM, Blogger M@ndy said…

    God cares about the poor, but why doesn't our society? We see on tv all the "good" stuff. The rich, popular, movie stars, etc...but we never see the poor unless they are being depicted in a movie. Even then, it is usually made light of. We should, as followers of Christ, care for the poor as well. Even with a small thing, we can make a difference

  • At 8:30 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    This verse is very straight forward and a good one. It reminds us when society is constantly telling us that the rich are mainly the important ones.But Jesus reminds us that the rich aren't the only important ones, that the poor are just as important if not more.

  • At 10:03 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    i don't really think this verse is just saying that God is the only person that looks upon the poor with favor but it is saying that we need to follow his example and look to the poor and even the rich look to God for safty so they shall look to the poor to i think this will help us in LA because now we are going to be able to listen to what God has to say and live by that and look to the poor and help them

  • At 11:07 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    wow, i Like what you have all said, its just that no one ever listens to the poor, and Jesus was there to even just listen to them, and thats one reason i love going and talkin to ppl is to hear their stories. It brings so much excitment to me. I think that we just need to go and listen, and let God do all the talking.


  • At 2:32 PM, Blogger T said…

    i agree. No looking for Brad Pitt.

    And this is a very straight foreward verse- there doesn't seem to be anything more to add to it. Other than use this as an example of your life- because you should do what Jesus does.

  • At 3:23 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Ok, so I am going to add to what andrew said "God backs his followers up." I think since we are going to LA and following Jesus' example, he won't let anything happen to us. For example, when we were in Vancouver, we had 3 accidents through the week, yet no one was hurt because God was looking out for us. In this sense, we shouldn't be scared or nervous because he will always be there.


  • At 5:29 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Wow, all of these comments are very good and I really like and agree with Andrew.
    We are going to LA for a very good reason, something that God wants us to do and it is amongst the ones on the top of his list. Poor people are treated very badla, but I still cannot understand why. Being poor doesnt make you a bad person as well as being rich doesnt make you a better person. I think we people need to realize that rich or poor is all the same, with beautiful hearts inside. I believe that everyone has it inside, we just need to find it and use it.
    And thats what we will be doing in LA, but with the support of everyone in our church. We know how to give away and help people, and I just love it. Its amazing, people at SACC are amazing.


  • At 8:39 PM, Blogger Bri said…

    I think the Bible and Jesus always talked about helping the poor and the sick more than anyone else because the rich or at least most of them don't need nearly as much help as the poor.

    I think my favorite part of this whole section is the begining of verse 12 it says 'the Lord will help those they persecute.' So I think when we go to L.A. and there might be a chance of persecution the Lord will protect us. He will help us in times of trouble.

  • At 3:02 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    God is on the side of everyone even the poor people but many of them don't know that so wehn we go to LA we can share that with many people that are in that position. ~Jacob

  • At 8:32 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I think its saying...that no matter where you are on the social latter God wont leave. In our world today they make the rich look so perfect, yet they never show the homeless and poor. Its not what people want to see, they want to ignore them because they don't want to take the time to help. That's why I think its good for us to go to LA and see a whole different world, realize whats being pushed away, the best way is to throw us in head first.

  • At 1:56 AM, Blogger Chelsea said…

    God's on the side of the poor. So are we. How can we possibly lose?

    We have to care about the poor just like God does. We have to be able to see past the clothing or scraggly beard, something society hasn't quite figured out how to do yet...

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