The Driven Missions trip to Greater Los Angeles 2006

Our Mission
Turn both your pockets and your hearts inside out and give generously to the poor Jesus
1. Do all blog devotionals
2. Attend Driven/Sunday School/invert/small group when not at work
Weekly Prayers: 15 min for L.A. & 15 min for team
4. Silence: 1 hour weekly (20 min times)
5. Helping Hands
6. Committed to each other.
Training Schedule
April 22 - 6p
April 23 - church services
April 23 - 12:30-2pm
May 7 - 12:30-2pm
May 21 - 12:30-2pm
June 3 - 9am-4pm all day advance
June 3 - 3pm Parents Meeting
June 4 - 12:30-2pm
June 11 - 12:30-2pm
Fun Stuff
Terror Alert Level
eXTReMe Tracker
May 4 - Dustin: 1 Timothy 5:3-6
Wednesday, May 10, 2006
click on the title link to see the Scripture.

What this passage means to me is that my parents can complain about me going to church but if I believe in God, which I do, that my parents' opinion doesn't matter when it comes to my religion - what I beleive in comes first. ~Dustin
posted by James @ 11:10 AM  
  • At 5:45 PM, Blogger T said…

    I'm actually a little confused. Is the window supposed to represent something or someone? Like the homeless? Or the Rich? I got the whole religion is your own- depsite who you're taking care of or who you're with.

  • At 9:38 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    i think this verse is saying that we should help people especially when they are so poor that they need it and God will be very happy if we do so but God hates it when that person goes off and uses u to his/her advantage for more money or other favors so i think that this will help us on our trip becasue it should enliten us to give as much help as we can and if the people are just using us for food or money then let them because it shall be God that shall punish them becasue we shouldn't be judging in the first place

  • At 10:08 PM, Blogger Bri said…

    Yeah I'm a little confused, but this is what I got out of it. We are supposed to take care of those who can't take care of themselves and that if the person is truly alone in this world then that person placed their hope in the Lord because they had no where else to turn so I think it is saying that when we have nowhere else to turn he's there.

    And I think it also means that when we go down to L.A. there will be people just milking us or those organizations for all they are worth. They are just using them. But if those people only live for themselves it's not our place to judge it's God's? I don't know if that's right but that's what I got out of it.

  • At 10:07 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    The message that i get from this verse is that we should all put all of our trust in God, to pray to Him about our needs and others' needs as well. If youre a widow you are probably going through some difficult times right? Well everybody goes through hard or difficult times. So i think that this tells us to be more like the widow or that the widow represents everybody and that we should act in the way were we are praying for everybody and putting all of our trust in God.

  • At 11:37 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    wow this is kinda a hard one to get something out of it, but i can see that some of the ppl will be using the system, but when have you and I used the system in our own advantage ourselves, so i can see it being pointed right at us also. kinda a hard verse for me


  • At 8:23 PM, Blogger M@ndy said…

    Ummm...yeah..a little confusing but I think that it's talking about how if the widow (the poor) just uses others and does nothing to help herself, then she is really nothing. But when she prays,etc, then she becomes something in the eyes of God? Not saying that they aren't anyway, but ya know...yeah

  • At 5:14 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Ok, so what I got from verse 5, is that we should put others needs in front of ours. The widow prayed for others, and herself. I think that people get in the habit of praying for their needs and their wants, but we forget to put others above ourselves.


  • At 4:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    this says to me that even if we see that someone is taking advantage of our serving, its not our job to tell them off for it. God'll take care of it in His own way...we're just supposed to do what we can for everyone one we can.

  • At 9:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I'm thinking that we're supposed to be like the true widow, by helping others and praying a lot, and that we're also supposed to help those who need it ex: the widow.

    Yeah this verse was definitely confusing tho.

  • At 4:48 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    This verse is hard and little confusing, but what I got out of it is that we need to pray for people that need it but not just when they need it, but pray fro them all the time. i think we should pray for the world and also THANK GOD for being with us and helping us and not just pray when we need it, at the last minute, like to help us on teh test or something. There is a lot of people who need our prayer and we need it ourselves because withou prayer notjing can be done.

  • At 2:58 PM, Blogger Chelsea said…

    So I think if we need to help the widows, and the legitimate widows are the ones who are praying and trying to help others just as much as(if not more than) themselves, shouldn't we be like the one's we're helping? Shouldn't we come home with a little piece of someone we helped, something new that we can add to our lives?

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