The Driven Missions trip to Greater Los Angeles 2006

Our Mission
Turn both your pockets and your hearts inside out and give generously to the poor Jesus
1. Do all blog devotionals
2. Attend Driven/Sunday School/invert/small group when not at work
Weekly Prayers: 15 min for L.A. & 15 min for team
4. Silence: 1 hour weekly (20 min times)
5. Helping Hands
6. Committed to each other.
Training Schedule
April 22 - 6p
April 23 - church services
April 23 - 12:30-2pm
May 7 - 12:30-2pm
May 21 - 12:30-2pm
June 3 - 9am-4pm all day advance
June 3 - 3pm Parents Meeting
June 4 - 12:30-2pm
June 11 - 12:30-2pm
Fun Stuff
Terror Alert Level
eXTReMe Tracker
May 25 - Andrew: Isaiah 41:17
Friday, June 09, 2006
click on title to view the verses

What I think this is saying is that to the people that need help out there, God is going to help them. And on this missions trip, we are God's hands to the people that need His help the most.
posted by James @ 2:32 PM  
  • At 3:58 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    People everywhere need things. I think that the water example is just a symbol of many different things. We thirst for success, for matericalistic things etc. But with God, we will no longer thirst for what ever we think we need. In Him we have everything we'd ever need. This is a pretty important message we should try to share with the people of LA. Because they are the poor and the helpless they are the ones that will need God to satify their needs the most.

  • At 6:31 PM, Blogger M@ndy said…

    We as a group could take this two ways. There is the physical...where they actually need water, and then there is the spiritual, where God is the water and they are "parched" for Him. On this trip I think it means both.

  • At 10:22 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    What stuck out most for me was the " i am there ready to be found." I think that we are going to LA to show the people that God is there. Like James has been saying, we are not bringing God to these people, but rather showing them that he is already there.

  • At 11:09 AM, Blogger T said…

    again, i don't think this only applies to us on the mission trip but in our daily life. And the water could symbolize anything that God is willing and ready to give people if they ask for it... if they need help- he'll send his disciples, if they need him- he'll be there...
    everyone else has pretty much explained it like i would. :)

  • At 10:54 PM, Blogger Bri said…

    The part in these verses that sticks out the most to me is "I'm there for them" No matter what he's always there! This is something that means a lot to me. Because he is stability. And the people down there are those who probably need more stability in their lives than the rest of us right now. They need Him, the river of life, to quench their thirst.

  • At 1:15 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I've heard so many times that God quenches your thirst. And while you try to quench it with other things like drugs, alcohol, and everything else in the world...He is the only thing that will make you complete. That's what we need to go down and tell the people in LA. I don't think they all know that God won't leave them thirsty.

  • At 9:37 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    i think it is saying that there are people out there that need help and that we should all go out there to show them God and then God shall use us to help the person and that is also why i think that we should all be out there is so that we are there to help and show God to people that don't know and need his help really bad

  • At 9:26 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Where they need him, God sends help, and I think like others that have already said this, that the water is both symbolic of physical life, but also spiritual life. Those who are homeless are desperate for both, and God gives it to them.

  • At 11:16 PM, Blogger Chelsea said…

    People thirst. But they try to quench that thirst with things that are materialistic or think will help. But that's like drinking sand. With God, the thirst is gone. And God is already there, so our job is to simply bring something for them to drink out of. Show them the love of God that's right there in front of them.

    Godorade - Thirst Quencher

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