The Driven Missions trip to Greater Los Angeles 2006

Our Mission
Turn both your pockets and your hearts inside out and give generously to the poor Jesus
1. Do all blog devotionals
2. Attend Driven/Sunday School/invert/small group when not at work
Weekly Prayers: 15 min for L.A. & 15 min for team
4. Silence: 1 hour weekly (20 min times)
5. Helping Hands
6. Committed to each other.
Training Schedule
April 22 - 6p
April 23 - church services
April 23 - 12:30-2pm
May 7 - 12:30-2pm
May 21 - 12:30-2pm
June 3 - 9am-4pm all day advance
June 3 - 3pm Parents Meeting
June 4 - 12:30-2pm
June 11 - 12:30-2pm
Fun Stuff
Terror Alert Level
eXTReMe Tracker
May 23 - Barbora: Jeremiah 9:23-24
Wednesday, May 24, 2006
click on the title slide for the verses

I think that this verse means that it is not nice and right to think that we are better than other people, that we are stronger or richer, because in the end it doesn't matter anyways. What the Lord has and gives us is the important thing. His understanding, kindness, love and delight. Because without Him ourl ives are empty and nothing else really matters, so we need to listen to Him and learn from Him not from other selfish people who want our sights to be at them. ~Barbora
posted by James @ 2:04 PM  
  • At 3:30 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I agree with Barbora. We are not going to LA better than “them”. The only thing that we should do down there is brag about our God and the faith and hope that we have with Him. We have that love to always fall back on and our mission in LA is to share that with them, in hopes that they accept Christ.

  • At 6:13 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    These two verses are important to us in that we are going to LA with really a lot more than the people that we are going to be helping have. So its important for us not to brag and be like "well i have a car at home" etc. The only thing we need to brag about is our God. It also says that God delights those who set things right, act fairly and loyaly love. We also need to show these things in LA.

  • At 2:58 PM, Blogger Chelsea said…

    I think it goes farther than just saying "Don't brag." I think it's telling us to call out the people who are bragging and make them stop. It says "Don't let..." So that makes me think of having to prevent or stop others, as well as ourselves, from bragging.

  • At 2:06 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    When we're down in LA, the whole point is to become equal with the people there. We may have more stuff than them, but what does that's just stuff. One thing we do have is our faith and hope in God. We need to brag about that...make these people want God. If we can achieve that then God'll do the rest.

  • At 9:49 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    The only reason to brag is about God. It's God who gave us our abilities and allowed us to do what we do. It is not our strength but his giving us no reason to brag about ourselves but every reason to tell everyone of the great things God has done. If we truly took this to heart and started to do it I wonder how the world around us would change. The attention would no longer be on ourselves, sort of reminds me of how the Jesus Prayer can affect you.

  • At 9:55 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    the only thing God gave us the right to brag about is Him because he is perfect and even if we think we're "better" then someone we need to keep it to ourselves and use that urge to talk about God and not you.

  • At 9:08 AM, Blogger M@ndy said…

    It is extremely stupid to think that any one person is better than someone else. We are all the same, some are just a little more privileged in some areas than others. The one thing we can brag about is that we know Christ. We can't just keep that knowledge to ourselves. We have to spread it around and let others know about Him

  • At 1:54 AM, Blogger Bri said…

    I this is telling us that when we are down in L.A. that once again we are equals. We have no right to brag about anything other than God because he's the one who put us on this Earth in the first place, he gave us all we have and he could take it away if he wanted to. He can do anything.

  • At 9:57 PM, Blogger T said…

    God is like the "great equalizer" ( i don't remember if He's been compared to that or not), everyone in Christ is the same- if you think you're smart, then there's someone who's not and you make up for each other's negatives. And i'm pretty sure God knows that when you brag you're making someone else feel like crap- and that someone else is His child... so i'm pretty sure He doesn't like that. So don't do it!

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